DÉLKA: 40 Hours (5 DENNÍ)
CENA: Kč bez DPH 50 000,00
Školení je vedené virtuálně v angličtině.
Cena kurzu je 1 880 EUR a bude přepočtena aktuálním kurzem poslední den školení.
In this five-day course, you focus on configuring and managing VMware vCloud Director® for Service Providers 10.x Tenant Operations. You learn about self-service provisioning, the creation of virtual datacenter networks, vApp and its networks, catalog services that include predefined virtual machines (VMs), and on-demand VMware NSX® networks.
This course covers integrating VMware vCloud Director® with VMware vRealize® Orchestrator™ and the use of VMware vCloud® Availability. You learn how to manage multisite, cross-VDC networking for vCloud Director. You also learn how to use Central Point of Management (CPOM) to define a software-defined datacenter (SDDC) for tenant users of vCloud Director. This course also discusses how to monitor various vCloud Director objects using VMware vRealize® Operations Manager™.